It’s February already?! 2017 is just rolling right in by isn’t it? As with previous months over the years, we’ll rolling off this month with a brand new poll, and this one is a little bit different than others we’ve done in the past.

With the new The Ring movie releasing this weekend, it got me to thinking about other horror movies featuring different typos of monsters as their prime protagonist. It’s those thoughts that laid down the foundation for this month’s poll: what type of classic horror movie “monster” would like to see implemented into Killer Instinct? A killer clown? A possessed doll? A Frankenstein monster? Hit the poll to the right to place your vote!

For January’s poll, we asked what you’d like to see most from KI in 2017. Well, unsurprisingly, the majority opted for additional characters, followed by the want for more stages and new game modes. Already we’ve seen the arrival of Kilgore with the promise of more characters to come in the future! 

Here’s the full results of the poll…
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What Do You Want Most From Killer Instinct In 2017?

New Characters (59%, 345 Votes)
New Stages (30%, 179 Votes)
New Game Modes (11%, 64 Votes)
Total Voters: 588


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

28 thoughts on “February 2017 KIC Poll: What Classic Horror Movie Type Monster Would You Like To See In Killer Instinct?”
  1. Woman werewolf!!! We need more sexy women or Beast women to play with. I only play with female characters. It will also bring in more money, and new costume ideas!


  3. How about a terrifying headless horseman in chains and rides a fiery horse!

    you’re welcome!!!

  4. Start the poll over again! I NEVER want to have a possessed doll get in the way of KI!!!!! THEY’RE EVIL!!!!!!

  5. I REFUSED to have a doll or a clown be a part of KI!!!!! I HATE POSSESSED DOLLS!!!! THEY NEED TO DIE PERMANENTLY!!!!!

  6. Or a grim reaper type, his instinct can be that with each attack. He replenishes his health, kinda like mira. One of his shadow moves can be teleportation attacks kind of like scorpion from mk but faster like 3 hits and then continuing the combo. Another one can be that he grabs the opponent and disactivates blocking for 3 seconds, maybe a shadow move where he points at the character and chains rapidly hits them kind of like omens rashokuken idk id like TO SEE A GRIM REAPER TYPE THATS JUST ME LOL

  7. Handyman from Time splitters!!!! Now that is creepy!!!! Haha! I know this is not a horror character, but with all the hype, if you ever decide to put another guest character, I would love to see Darth Vader.

  8. Faz assim , pega Killer Instinct de 1994 e mistura com os gráficos de hj e pronto , Killer Instinct está fantástico
    Modo Arcade e modo história era suficientes para o jogo , apenas isso
    Shadow Lords é um desperdício
    Aqui no Brasil jogadores desanimaram do jogo , pela falta de criatividade e conteúdo desnecessários
    Killer Instinct parece um jogo de dragon ball narrado
    Rareware > essa terá meu respeito para sempre !

  9. Personagens originais !!!!
    Cadê os ultimates e os cenários
    Muita demora por parte da dá entrega dos novos conteúdos
    Até agora só Killgore que pra mim particularmente é um fracasso
    Rareware volta para Killer Instinct

  10. I was heavily disappointed at a lack of Gears of War stage with RAAM.

    Now that that is outtathe way…

    I think a Jason type character would be awesome.
    We have so many quick, high numbers combo characters.
    It’d be nice to have a slow/stalkerish character with short but deadly combos.

    Another could go the route could be having it be a two in one character based on health bars. We commonly see mutations and all in horror movies or even games.
    Look at the Tyrants (which include Nemesis) in Resident Evil. Multiple mutations.

    This could be awesome to have. A character who is completely different when they lose one health bar. Could make the Classic Slot give a different appearance but gives you the OPPOSITE starting “character”. So start mutated, lose bar, de-mutate.

  11. I don’t think I like any of the proposed characters enough to vote for any of them. So instead, here are two concepts that I think could be interesting:

    1. Shapeshifting druid – a forest-themed guy or chick with a mechanic that allows her to turn into a bear or other wild animal, completely transforming his/her gameplay for a period of time or something like that. Also commands plants to root opponents in place, etc.

    2. Witcher-type character (I’m only using Witcher to demonstrate this concept but it could be anything) – basically a fighter that has access to several different types of a one-shot resource (like Witchers have potions) These grant bonuses and/or unique abilities for a period of time.

  12. I would have to go with pumpkin head for the simple fact that he is lesser known and has only appeared in the movies and terrordome, I think you guys could make cool customizations to his body like armor or spikes… I feel he would make an excellent new character addition to the ki franchise.

  13. For me personally, I would rather see original characters rather than movie characters. and while you are at it, you might want to throw in a good cinematic ending and rival scenes, a proper end boss fight, increase the number of ‘vs cpu’ fights. oh and I think Omen is in dire need of complete make-over!!

    1. these are to be tropes based off characters not characters from movies.
      See hisako – rings trope
      raptor – base design for her in original game was to take Jurassic parks popularity
      spinal and eyedol – old Claymation monsters
      fulgore – terminator and other killer robots
      glacious – that metal terminator in the sequel
      cinder – fantastic four inspiration
      the list goes on XD

  14. I would like shadow jago skin for jago the ring girl skin for hisako and i wish you can put demitri from darkstalkers thats 1 of my fab monsters and fighters or nemesis and wesker

  15. And come on here and try to find out what’s going to be new and you’re asking us what new horror character we want? Put in the ultimates already give us brand new characters for free and let’s have fun with this thing

  16. I personally don’t like any of these I’d rather see the Wendigo from the first KI survey we filled out for season three that had eyedol on it in rather than any of these troupes as if KI doesn’t have enough seven and a half foot tall characters to play right now we decently don’t need any more

  17. Can anyone please elaborate on what a psychopathic muhohostachioed fiend looks like and give an example of a classic horror that this comes from?


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