Following this morning’s Killer Instinct update, a very unfortunate situation has occurred. Players who are not rage quitting, being rage quitted on, and/or legitimately de-syncing, are the ones being thrown into jail–the exact opposite of what was supposed to occur. If you don’t know about the new rage quitting “fix”, you can read about it here.Other known issues are loss of both single and multiplayer Rank. Here lowest priced viagra are the some of them – Myth – Age is the only cause of Erectile Dysfunction Fact – While it typically takes Sildenafil no less than 30-60 minutes to kick in, with softer versions like oral jelly and Kamagra soft tabs: Kamagra Oral Jelly: It is for those men who are suffering to get their professional help, then simply browse online now and contact them. Kamagra medication levitra canada prescription is an FDA approved, easily available at authorized chemists at much cheaper prices. This medicine will relax blood vessels and improve blood flow near order cialis reproductive area. Saturday, sildenafil viagra Feb. 19, the eve of NASCAR’s Daytona 500. glitched Achievements, and game freezing.

It goes without saying that this is a very dire situation that absolutely must be corrected as soon as possible. Rest assured that Double Helix and Microsoft are looking into it right now, so hopefully they’ll resolve the issue very soon! In the mean time, you may want to temporarily avoid Ranked matches for the time being. We’ll keep you all posted as soon as we know more, so stay tuned!


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

35 thoughts on “Unfortuntate Killer Instinct Glitch Sending Non-Ragequitters To Jail”
  1. Im going to quote office space… “Shit! I always do that. I always mess up some mundane detail”. Well, this is not a mundane detail. I want my rank back. I dont like spending weeks playing noobs. Who gives a shit about rage quitters, ( btw, i never rage quit its just a game ).

    1. Just realized this thread is old. Im not sure how the system would have classified me as a rage quitter. I have hard resetted my xbox before while the game was running but not during a match. I always play the matches to the end. Im resetting it because my xbox is not so stable. Well, actually now that i think about it. I hard reset it because killer instinct is unstable. Ironic.

  2. I’ve been in jail almost all the time and I’m not a rage quitter!! and there is another problem with fulgore fight title: ”Charge blade (special 3)” .. it got stuck!! …
    Sorry for grammar, I’m not from U.S.A. 🙂

  3. Has anyone come up with a solution to the loss of titles/rank yet?, as this is seriously impeding on my achievements popping!

    1. This screwed up jail system PISSES ME OFF!! FIX IT MAN! FIX IT!! I’ve never quit a match. Took my lickings but this crap here is about to make me Rage-Quit this whole freakin game! PERMANENTLY!!

  4. Not happy! titles lost,Rank Down and put in Jail is taking the biscuits DH you guys take 3 steps forward then 1 back. You guys have done a great job so far but little things like this will rattle your bones.

  5. i’m still a bit sceptical about this. did double helix resolve the issues yet.

    plus double helix should definitely implement (24 hour jail countdown Timer) right beside you’re player card. rather than guessing how much time you’ve spend in jail.

    plus i’m having some issues with random achievements. i didn’t really used Spinal much but. i probably have 37 fight titles. But some random achievement just poped-up, The Game thinks I’ve allready gotten 150 fight titles. the achievement is called. (Spinal Master) The Description is (Reach 150 Fight Titles with Spinal) again…. I ONLY HAVE 37 FIGHT TITLES!!!!.

    Sorry spinal fans. personally i don’t like spinal. it’s just my opinion i hate him.
    Very confusing moves set. No offense

    1. No i don’t think that DH did anything yet. but the Achievement thing your right i’m getting FREE Achievements for doing absolutely nothing. 😀

    2. Spinal is for people who can’t fight. They just teleport all the time. Power devour and then skulls. They hardly combo

  6. Hey guys i have some issue with spinal some Lagg issue s … i play avains someone and if i spam the teleport move with the heavy that i teleport behind him… that movr give me a frozen screem and 2 min later connection lost plus i never quit and iam in jail … i know u guys are buzy with it but plz come with a nice fixed update its really awsome what you guus doing i like this sgyle of things but it must work dont worry we are hardcore Ki Fans we dont leave this game it s to good

    1. I know this is a weird questions to ask but… where are you from?.
      cause most of you’re Grammar was understandable.

      i was just asking by the way.

        1. @Shaun. i was just being curious. where was he from. i’m a friendly person.
          no need to be harsh on someone just asking one simple question.
          but personally i don’t take messages very seriously 🙂 thanks for replying
          To: HellScreAm

    2. Sorry mr Matt about my grammer doing everything with my cellphone… but what i trying to say is that i really hope that they gonna fix the small issue s in the ranked / online mode of ki and also the small bugs with spinal its really annoying that i play with spinal and i use teleport then i got a frozen screem plus connection lost plus jail 😉 Producer of ki do your thi g and fix it its a awsome game….

  7. I don’t believe how stupid this update it is!!! Unbeliavable!! If you close the game for any, I SAY, ANY REASON!, your game status is reset!! If you have more than 60 online wins with Spinal, if you have more than 130 Fight Titles, everything it is reseted because of the “Checking Downloadable Content” EVen you fight stats are resetted, including played hours!! Unbeliavable. I cannot express how MAD I am with this game!! I hope, I really hope that they will do some to give what I lost back, can be even my money, because I really, REALLY disappointed with this game. LOST HOURS OF GAME!!!!!! why?! because they do not test a UPDATE before release!! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    The Jail it is not the only issue with the update!! Try to close you game, or, are you playing KI? Try to open a different game, then get back to KI. You will see, you will lost everything related to Spinal and everything that you did after the UPDATE release!!

      1. Really? I Why this is happening just to me? Please, check your fight titles, Win like, some fight titles with Spinal, then go to dashboard, and put quit in the KI. Get back and check your Fight Titles again. I lost everything more than 2 times. I am really scared to lost again. My spinal it is with more than 150 fight titles now and the game it is paused. However, if for any reason the profile of xbox live goes down, then I will lost everything for the 3rd time. THere is any way to save your data? like make a backup?

        1. Yh done it. All my titles. Wins and stuff as they were. Might just be a problem with your game save maybe?

          1. Your console saves an offline backup. My internet goes down when playing some games like deadrising 3 but it just saves an offline back up.

  8. Well this suck i haven’t even played killer instinct Online and yet. i go to jail… very odd. i only played Offline so far :-/ like i said i haven’t played Rank or exhibition. C’mon double helix. don’t put random people in jail. during their offline sessions. sigh,

  9. Is it me. or is it A good time to troll. i’m going to Rank matches. than immediately Quit for no good reason. ahhhh i’m such A virus. yet interesting to tryout. very much indeed.

      1. @VINNY. That Grammar is truly unbearable, oh i was sent to jail while playing offline. (Faceplam/Sigh…) simultaneously….

        the game is a little broken.

  10. I just ended up in jail for beating somebody up and they quit :/. I never quit matches yet I just ended up in jail :/

  11. This actually happened to me today. I was playing someone then as victory was about to be mine, they quit… I think I’m going to start posting their gamer tags here. I don’t want to be punished for their misdeeds.

  12. This is what happens when you’re rushed to get things done instead of given time to get them right.

    1. RQ punishment is something the fans wanted them to do, so its GREAT they are listening to us and implementing things while they work on the game. I would rather play an “incomplete” game, then wait till late spring/early summer to play a full game. The KI devs are great and support the community, unlike MANY other devs. Bugs happen, give them a break or go play something else that is “complete”.

      1. Come off it. You expect me to take what you are saying seriously with a handle like that? Please.

        If you are complaining about people who quit early then YOU go play something else. Or stop whining when it happens and move to the next person. Instead of complaining about something so infinitesimal and giving already overworked developers extra work do to, if someone quits a game early I just move one to someone else. You know, the same thing I’ve been doing for 14 years of online gameplay.

        Adding a full roster, story mode, no mercies, stage fatalities, and more levels is infinitely more important than making a function to deal with poor sports and it certainly isn’t worth penalizing people that are good sports.

        Grow up.

    2. I disagree totally because rage quitting will kill games like this ive waited 17yrs for this one game and its bringing it down for me alot


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