Hello everyone and welcome to 2015! To start off the new year, we’re beginning with our monthly poll and this one is a little different than others we’ve previously posted. In the past, we’ve typically asked you all to vote for things directly involved with the KI franchise. Well this month, we want to know what you would be interested in seeing from us here at Killer Instinct Central this year. Do you want even more Killer Instinct news? A bigger push for exclusive videos and content? How about an all-new website design? Those are a few of your voting options available for this month, so hit the poll to your right and cast your vote!

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For December’s poll, we asked what your favorite aspect was about Kan-Ra. The majority ruled that his gameplay styled was the best presented aspect of the character, with his unique design reigning in second and his Ultra Combo not garnering much interest. Full results provided below:

What’s Your Favorite Aspect Of Killer Instinct Xbox One’s Kan-Ra?

Gameplay Style (33%, 399 Votes)

Unique Design (21%, 250 Votes)

Theme Song (12%, 146 Votes)

I Hate Kan-Ra (11%, 136 Votes)

Stage Ultra (9%, 112 Votes)

Forbidden Archive Stage (7%, 89 Votes)

Ultra Combo (6%, 66 Votes)

Total Voters: 1,198

Like the news and content available on KIC? Feel free to leave a donation and contribute to its growth. A donation of any amount is appreciated and welcome!


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

11 thoughts on “January 2015 KIC Poll: What Do You Want From Killer Instinct Central In 2015?”
  1. Lmao some people must think KIC has control of the way the game is made. Guys news flash they aren’t! They are just some cool dudes who were awesome enough to make a site to keep us updated on everything KI.

  2. Acompanho KI desde seu nascimento …acho o jogo perfeito demais …acho que tem q valoriza cada lutador com todo carinho do mundo …lutadores como TJ Combo e Maya …me desagradou muito …TJ Combo era meu lutador favorito …embora lutava com todos lutadores !! Eu comprei o XboxOne exatamente por causa do game ..que é exclusivo !! Killer instinct é imortal pra mim …só quero que tratem o game com todo cuidado ..e respeitando a opinião de cada jogador !!

  3. Cinder and Kim-wuuuuuuuuuuuu.
    Humiliation and ultimate and fatality
    Cinder and Kim-wu
    Cinder and Kim-wuuuuuuuuuuuu
    Humiliation and ultimate and fatality
    Humiliation and ultimate and fatality
    Cinder and kim wuuuuuuuuu


  5. Update shadow Jago moveset…… and he needs a retro, plus costumes and accessories. Add Kan-ra’s and Maya retro costumes

  6. I hate the way combo breakers are executed now. I hate the way thunder is so slow on his moves ,blocks. it’s not fun playing thunder against sabrewulf, riptor, fulgore… just not fun…
    other than those I completely love the game.

    What I’d love to see though is more access to the variety of costumes, come on we bought the game already. don’t have us pay for every single add on

    1. I mainly play Thunder and his speed isn’t an issue to me. Worst matchups definitely are Sabrewulf and Fulgore for me too though.


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