The music of Killer Instinct has always been one of the defining points of the franchise. Robin Beanland and Graeme Norgate’s soundtrack for the original arcade and SNES classic has consistently been praised for nineteen years following the initial release of the game. In fact, the console version even came packaged with the Killer Cuts CD! That’s how special the music to the game was. Fast forward nearly two decades later and the music is once again being prepped to captivate and amaze.

In the new and upcoming Killer Instinct for Xbox One, the music is being handled by Mick Gordon, a veteran himself in the gaming industry. His take on the new Killer Instinct music provides some nostalgic remixes of the original tunes and some brand new theme songs for the characters as well. For the first time and provided exclusively to Killer Instinct Central from Mick himself, here is a ‘Killer Instinct Music Teaser Suite’ that include’s Mick’s take on the Killer Instinct theme and Character Selection Screen music, as well as Jago’s theme. Listen and enjoy!

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A very special thanks to Mick for the opportunity to exclusively host this music!


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

68 thoughts on “EXCLUSIVE: Killer Instinct Xbox One Music Suite”
  1. I like it, sounds like KI meets disturbed meets god smack has a harder sound to it… At any rate it’s making the original sound more modern and this game as a whole is more modern!

  2. I am big fan to KI, I played it since KI1, i waited long time to see Ki3 Getting released!!!
    about the music; still ki1 is the best in intro theme ..
    about Xbox One Intro theme is quite good but didnt anybody notice that the begining of KI1 20 seconds from the intro is now moved to the end of KI3 Intro?
    another thing the latest one has cut-off!! it’s bad; i like KI1 ones cus is smoother;
    another thing didnt anybody notice that Jago theme is infact Kim Wu theme from KI2?? so i guess there is no KIM WU in KI3!!!!!!!!!!! too bad 🙁
    if no Riptor + Cinder <3 + Fulgore + Spinal in KI3 So expect it to not worth a single dollar!!!!!.

  3. In my opinion it sounds quite good so far 😉 but seems like it needs a lot more work, The start of the track is awesome but I feel it needs to warm up a bit more maybe with the old KI start but slightly remixed with more sound effects like the original, Epic!, And at point 0:49 of the track it seems to stop and restart which is not cool in my eyes I hope they sort it out and speed up the track a bit, The original is so bad ass I think they need to listen to it a bit more then put more work in to it.


  5. Kinda a little disappointed the music in between riffs has changed into a bass sound, but it still great

  6. Wow. *sigh* Wish this would be in arcade cabinets like original KI was back in the mid 90’s. Wonder if this will be an EVO title in 2014.

  7. Yo Check This Out!

    Better he get my theme right, I’m ready to knock those fools out it’s been a damn long time!!!!!

    Eat This!!!!

  8. I like the intro but I’m still kinda stuck on the old 90’s hardware and especially what David Wise could do it with it in DKC so I like the old KI intro a bit more. The new character selection music on the other hand is f*cking amazing. Excellently redone.

  9. Jago’s theme has that same vibe it did in KI2 once the cords start playing. Sounds great! And I swear to God I about shed a tear when I heard the character select theme back. That is HANDS DOWN the BEST character select theme ever in any fighting game, there’s no competition. I cannot wait for this game and the soundtrack.

    1. I am overjoyed and excited over the current progress at the moment. I can’t wait for the actual soundtrack; work like this from the KI Team is truly what separated themselves from Mortal Kombat in a variety of ways! The updating of the music is awesome, I wished MK 9 did that with there MK 1, 2 and 3 music scores. Netherealm studios missed the mark on this one!

  10. I shit you not, this almost brings tears to my eyes. It’s been so long since we’ve had a Killer Instinct game and I’ll never forget the time I spent playing it in the arcades. Welcome back old friend, welcome back.

  11. As much as I WANT this game, I’m with others on the fact that it’s a Xbone exclusive. The only other games I want are Dead Rising 3 and Titanfall (but that can also be played on computer). Until the system price goes down I’m afraid I won’t be able to get this KI fix :<

  12. This is like the best video game music I’ve ever listened to this year…… and the game is not even finished yet =)

  13. Woo, sombody has their paties in a bunch. Hah.

    OT: Jago’s theme is fucking amazing. Mick Gordon, you are a gentleman and a scholar for this music.

    1. $0ny can GTFO? How about trashbox GTFO when this game kicked more ass on SNES, N64, and Arcade!

        1. This game being good or not does not mean Sony can “gtfo”. PS4 has plenty of stuff going for it, let’s not be fanboys here, PS4 has far more advantages than Xbone including price and power. I like Killer Instinct but I might not get an Xbone on launch precisely because of PS4… so yeah don’t count Sony out.

          1. The ps4 doesnt have more power thats just fixed spec cant forget about cloud computing

          2. @brian: Cloud is a PR lie. Don’t rely on it. PS4 is the stronger machine (on paper of course, but by a wide margin), don’t let the MS PR bullshit storm catch you.

  14. Very nice. I really want a PS4 fist, but this game sure tempts me towards an Xbone someday…

  15. damnit… i can’t wait to play this game… the music of KI 1 and 2 stills in my head until today… and it seems the work in the current game is fucking awesome!


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