Microsoft and Iron Galaxy have started up a brand new survey this weekend for the Killer Instinct community to help shape the future of the KI Cast. The survey includes some basic questions such as “how many hours do you play KI a week? and “what character do you play as the most?” and it also has some very interesting questions regarding the roster in general. Some Most men will find that after a particular time period, scoliosis returns to pre-operative levels. tadalafil cheap online You have to be taken care of the medicine that you can take orally and there are lots of brands that make use of this drug when preparing drugs for erectile dysfunction. super levitra is another commonly recommended drug for this condition. cialis tadalfil and sidenafil at times. In some cases physicians are needed to check a patient’s history, ask critical best price vardenafil questions, and inform them of side effects. It is taken as a huge compliment. viagra uk no prescription of those including characters being reimagined like Shadow Orchid and TJ Combo and also brand new characters which includes options for Joanna Dark, Eyedol, a Crackdown Agent and more.

So to do you part in help shaping the future of Killer Instinct and what characters could be introduced next, click here and take the survey today! The survey will close on July 5th, so don’t forget!


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

37 thoughts on “Shape The Future Of The Killer Instinct Cast With This Survey”
  1. I just hope the arcade/story mode is better than the story modes offered by street fighter 5 I completed them and besides the load times and lack or round and difficulty adjustments to me it’s a disaster. I love killer instinct story and single player vs cpu modes training on Kyle mode is great. I just hope this new story mode doesn’t flop. I can’t wait for king of fighters 14

    1. The story mode aka shadow lords mode will be like soul calibur weapon master mode with more to it lol mission you’ll gather didn’t items buffs nelfs that help against your opponent thier be cut senescence story telling it won’t flop it’s up your alley king of fighters woo needs an balance overhaul

  2. Prefiro personagens do universo KI e nĂŁo personagens convidados!!!
    E eu espero muito o retorno de Eyedol
    E com certeza teremos uma 4 temporada KI tem muito a oferecer!!

  3. Lordy what news ppl not being nice to one another it’s been awhile let’s decuss of possible season 4 the survey can only be taken once and please don’t take it more than once be serious about this the future of KI the game is gona improve I’m very confident of this because of this survey I’ve already done it wow what did some of you guys vote what feedback did everyone leave thier gona take the time so take your time answer voice your opinion let yourself be heard again let’s decuss in respectful matter thank you

    1. it’s kind of hard to voice our opinions when clearly someone on this site is spamming the dislike button. I’ve already contacted the owner of the website at least 3 times, and hopefully they will take these matters a step further. being respectful is one thing, which I have no problems with whatsoever. I can still respect someone’s opinions even if I don’t agree with them. but spamming the dislike button to such a drastic degree is another problem entirely. not only is it childish, disruptive, and the least effective way for me to take them seriously, but at the end of the day, what does it accomplish? nothing, absolutely nothing. if there’s a policy put in place from the owner of the website, then he need to address this problem as soon as possible. hell, I said very clearly in those responses that if the like/dislike feature continues to be misused, then they need to remove it from the site.

      1. Agree claim down just don’t pay any mind of those that like to troll but would like to hear people’s opinions tho what’s yours ultrrakkon ? About my comment

        1. ok. first of all, I am calm. I’ve been calm all day. please don’t confuse criticism with random anger. second, my issue is not with your comment, it’s with whoever is spamming the dislike button. if you actually look at the entire page, you’ll see the obvious problem. this is not something you can just let slide especially when it’s effecting everyone on this page. there’s a difference between being an online troll and abusing a specific feature from the site. it’s like having a YouTube video get a bunch of dislikes by random people who are doing it on purpose and you don’t even know who they are or why their doing it. you can’t ignore random people misusing a specific feature on the site like that, that’s just pure negligence. and third, I don’t mind people disagreeing with me as long as they were respectful to what I’m saying. when you go around online spamming the dislike button to such a drastic degree, that’s not respecting someone’s opinions, that’s just being an asshole and messing with other people. someone is deliberately doing this to my comments and a majority of other peoples comments on this page, which is why I contacted the owner of the site. that’s where I’m getting at here. and again, I’m not angry, I’m not in all rage mode, and I’m not yanking out my hair, shouting and screaming like Howard Belle from Network or Craig Toomey from The Langoliers. just because my comments seem negative, that doesn’t automatically mean I’m angry. too often people make that mistake, and here it’s no exception.

          1. Again I agree but would you rather decuss about the future of KI ?

          2. @Nathan

            trust me, I would love to discuss about the future of the KI series. but not if my comment as well as everyone else’s comments are getting the dislike button spammed by some random person on the site. if that issue was addressed and handled in the most professional way possible by banning whoever is doing it, restoring/restarting the ratings and setting some stricter ground rules where this kind of disruptive behavior by spamming the dislike button is no longer tolerated, then and only then, will I be happy to continue the discussion of the future of KI.

  4. ok, whoever is causing the unnecessary & ridiculous amount of spammed dislikes, cut it out right now! you’re not helping, nor is it going to make us take you seriously. you just making yourself look like an ass by doing this, especially to those who commented who are actually making common sense and not disrespecting each other. if there’s a guideline or policy set up on this site, you’re clearly breaking it. Mr. Duncan, get on this as fast as possible.

    1. whoever gave me the negative rating, be warned that I already contacted the owner of the site and informed him of what you’re doing. so, if you want to be banned from the site by continuing to spam the dislike button, then by all means please continue. (pinche idiota)

  5. Eu particularmente de todas temporadas gostei da primeira!! Alguns design de lutadores temporada 2e3 ficaram ruins
    Tusk por exemplo, sĂł jogo com ele retrĂ´ !!
    Aganos eu detesto!
    Killer Instinct poderia voltar a essência lá de 1994 onde tudo começou!!
    E nas questões pedi para colocar um tipo Ultra Assassino para finalizar de vez o adversário!!!

  6. As of 3 months ago, used to play more than 18 hours a week, The reason why i haven’t played as much other than online, is Shadow Lab. My Shadow AI “Shadow Jago” can’t access him, test, and improve his percentage rates. Other people have had this problem and still haven’t fixed it. I LOVE making my Character AI better so people can challenge him. Please resolve this problem IG?

  7. How about if we could customize skills and shadow-move colors? I mean, Id prefer Fulgore with cyan laser instead of the default red. Also I prefer black shadow-move instead the new purple.

    And imho would be nice if the prefered color was previous defined like custom items, intead of selecting it every time.

  8. Chega de personagens convidados !!
    Eyedol nessa temporada ou uma possĂ­vel temporada 4
    E cores novas será muito bem vinda!!

  9. Introduce Eagle as the last character in Season 3. ABSOLUTELY NO MORE GUEST FIGHTERS!!! I blame MK9 and X for that problem. 1 guest should be enough! Also, I want to see a story mode similar to MK. Love the cinematics and fights being interchanged. Street Fighter V story mode was great. Last, please make a season 4 and bring back finishers no mercies and humiliations plus new stages and all new fighters. I guess save Eyedol for Season 4.

  10. please no more guest chars, make eyedol on the last box. or a new character and set eyedol code on cinder like in KI classic to unlock him. and bring a new char fo the franchise

  11. 1 – create more new & original characters
    2 – no more guest characters, this is not MKX Microsoft & IG
    3 – bring back Eyedol
    4 – make more levels & introduce more stage finishers
    5 – bring back the no mercy’s aka fatalities as well as the Humiliation dance
    6 – fix the story in order to fill in the gaps between KI2 & KI 2013, no excuses and no bulls***
    7 – bring back Mick Gordon or at least mix it up between the 3 composers
    8 – release more action figures, statues, and cosplay accessories including the Classic games
    9 – have a finished product and make Season 4 the last one
    10 – explore ideas for a KI anime and/or live action film

    take your pick folks.

      1. I agree. the game needs to be more like, well, KI. Season 2 was a step in the right direction, but to me Season 3 is where it started to feel like they lost focus on the series. this new survey is at least a smart move for IG & MS. no more guest characters, more original characters, and bring back the modes and characters that the fans actually want. if they can follow those steps, then I think they’ll do just fine.

        1. @ultrakkon1994

          IMO, Season 2 was where KI was getting bad and it got worse with Season 3.
          With Season 3, the initial roster was great but the new characters are so “yawn” to me.

          1. @Travis
            I highly disagree. Season 2 has Riptor & Cinder to look forward to and Iron Galaxy had to carry the helm after Double Helix left. every single trailer was exciting, you got to see teasers at the end of each trailer. at least they were still focused on introducing new characters and re-introducing the characters we wanted. it was still KI. to say that Season 2 was were it got bad when it was doing what Season 3 was lacking is just ridiculous. Season 3 felt like a step backwards and where it started to feel like a downgrade. you may not like Season 2, but I only see that as a biased opinion, not as fact. I can understand where your coming from, but I really don’t agree. Season 3 started introducing the guest characters, where they stopped using the teaser trailers, where one of those guest characters was only used to promote a game that nobody cares about, where the whole Shadow Jago thing started to become an annoyance, and where the new characters felt kind of meh. at least Season 2 had Kan-Ra, Aganos, Hisako, & Aria. in Season 3, what did we get? Mira. yay, I guess. Season 2 was not bad at all, and it was still technically KI. sure the story is still not fixed, but at least Season 2 was exciting from beginning to end. Season 3 kind of felt like an obligation where only a few additional things were keeping my interest.

          2. KI Season 2 is good if not slightly better than Season 1, Season 3 just doesn’t come close. at least think about this. at least Season 2 wasn’t trying to be like Mortal Kombat X. and even at this point, the whole guest characters thing for MKX was really pushing it to such an irritating degree. hell, even Season 2 actually improved on the gameplay mechanics that were introduced in Season 1 while still giving the fans exactly what they want and introducing new things that fans actually enjoyed. if it just ended there, I would of been happy. if they have to move forward with Season 4, I would be understanding and kind of relieved if that not only ended up being an improvement over Season 3 as well as the final Season. whether or not you actually like Season 2 or Season 3 is irrelevant because after 3 years, it’s still not a finished game. and even if it isn’t a finished product, I still find it more enjoyable than MKX. even after playing both games on the Xbox One, I always ended going back to KI more & more. for a game that is 3 years old, technically not finished, and not as popular, that’s saying much.

      1. @Fabiano Shark

        I wish lol. Seeing that MS owns the rights, chances are next to none that’ll happen.

      1. @Travis

        apparently, someone is going around abusing on this page spamming the dislike button on not just your comment and my comments, but everyone else. I sent an email to the site’s owner, and I hope they will fix this little issue because it’s not only abusing the like/dislike feature on the site, but it’s becoming extremely disruptive and effecting everyone else here. this is the sort of thing that’s going to get this person banned from the site if he/she/it keeps doing this. if you feel the same way, then you should address this to the site’s owner as well. I can still disagree with someone while still respecting their opinions. but I would never go around spamming a dislike button on almost every single comment on this page.

        1. @Travis

          case in point, I may not agree with you when you commented to me about KI Season 2, but I think you didn’t deserve 18 dislikes. I don’t deserve 17 dislikes, @Chad doesn’t deserve 16 dislikes, @Gustavo doesn’t deserve 15 dislikes, @Lucas doesn’t deserve 16 dislikes, @Fabiano Shark doesn’t deserve 8 dislikes, even @Killer Instinct 3 PS4 didn’t deserve 18 dislikes. someone is going around spamming the dislike button on comments that were actually being respectful, making decent points, and just trying to give their own opinion. how does that justify a dislike? it doesn’t. I hope Daniel Duncan is aware of this, because if they keep doing this then they should be banned from the site. hell, if they keep abusing the like/dislike button, then the owner should remove it from the site all together.

          1. @Travis

            if you’re right about this, then both of us should report him to Mr. Duncan right away so he can ban him from the site and restore the likes & dislikes on this page. our comments should not have to suffer because of 1 bad apple spamming the dislike button like wild fire & disrupting the site itself just because he doesn’t agree with our comments.


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