So again, thanks to Maximilian not only have we seen the boss of Arcade Mode, Shadow Jago, but also this secret ending that includes dialog from someone that calls themselves ARIA. You can see for yourself in the archived stream below! Go to about 02:52:00 to hear ARIA talking.


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Watch live video from Maximilian_DOOD on TwitchTV

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By Amir Abdollahi

Co-founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central

19 thoughts on “New Character “ARIA” Hinted At In Arcade Mode”
    1. Cinder will be the first character for season 2, don’t worry dude. IT WILL HAPPEN!!

  1. ARIA being hinted at as an all-new character? Sweet, awesome, rad, and wicked. Can’t wait for that. Also it’s a very good possibility that ARIA would be one of the new characters or even the really nasty boss that the developers mentioned about to be reveal and shown very soon in Season 2 of KI

  2. Took me 9 playthroughs to get him. You need to get your character your going to use endings. All 3. This can be done on any difficulty then once you have all 3 endings use the same character on medium and get 2 ultras and at least 3 supreme victories. Make sure you dont ultra orchid if u seing jago and fulgore will be replaced with shadow jago.

    1. Thank you so much! The thing here is that I notice that on medium the last character fight as hard as kyle I belive, it reads everything, so I assuming that shago is a pain n the @$$.

      1. Indeed he will tech throws in the middle of shadow moves his dive kick is super fast. His double fireball is annoying but the slide is the real killer so watch your low blocks. The slide is an auto crossup

  3. I was worried that Shago would be the boss. I feel its cheap and lacking to give us a boss that was already a released character, that being said.
    The new move set for Shago is cheap dirty and game breaking and he is hard as hell. I had to stop playing after 36 tries and zero wins against him. Maybe another day lol. While I feel giving us a super version of Shago was cheap he is def worthy of being called a boss and I am not disappointed one bit.
    I am looking forward to a lot more content I just hope Iron Galaxy is up to the task of reaching the bar Double Helix has set. This game would have not been possible if it wasn’t for supporters and the hard core FGC. So thank you all for keeping the Ki dream alive and not settling for no as an answer. We shouted in one voice as KI fans and we got what we wanted. Good luck to you all in all your future KI game time. Hope to see some of you online soon.

    1. Can you tell how you managed to fight him? I finish the game 3 x but couldnt fight last night. I played on medium.

      1. Unlocked three endings for one character ex. Jago use an ultra on orechid not fulgore and the other ending use an ultra on fulgore without useing it on orechid and last but least do nether of the two then play on medium

    2. You’re very welcome and no problem too. Indeed we have, yes, as KI fans and we certainly, definitely did GOT what we wanted too. In turn thanks very much for and at the same time we appreciate very much YOUR support and fandom on Killer Instinct too. Above all: KILLER INSTINCT IS NOW AND FINALLY BACK!


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