Here’s the complete ‘Questions and Answers’ session from this week’s Killer Instinct Textual Stream

BlazenGold: Did you guys start working on Boss Shadow Jago Yet

Kraig: We have begun working on Shadow Jago as a full character, yep!

TellisTortrerra: Are you guys willing to go back and touch up the S1 Characters to make them a tiny bit better?

Kraig: Our rebalance shows that we’re always interested in improvements to all members of the cast. Remember Orchid’s Grenade or the Thunder Call to Sky (adjusted twice!). It’s really just a factor of our schedule and do we make new content or add additional polish to existing content. Always a balancing act. So in summary, yes, always willing and it’s often discussed!

Feefait: What are your hopes or obligations for the franchise beyond S2?

Kraig – The Story Mode update is our last major one for Season 2, and last week we announced that we would be enabling Season 2 Shadows. We are also working on Shadow Jago thanks to the successful community crowdfund!

KI Prime – You guys ever stealth post ideas to see what the community thinks.

Kraig – Haha, I won’t lie, we’ve thought about it before. We’d rather be up front if we want feedback, and have been, like with our Character Poll last year. (Remember that?)

Fuwfikins – Are your feature ideas for what to add to the game based more on community requests or are they mostly internal developments

Kraig – Ideas come from all places, we just try to make as much cool stuff as possible. We have definitely made changes in our feature list, large and small, due to community requests.

Timptation – Can we please replace the current AI with a more-human like version using the Shadow system.

Kraig – We dream about this all the time. There’s so many places the system could be used to make fighting games better. We’ve only scratched the surface there.

zomBgnome: Kirk or Picard

Kraig – If I answer this, someone will think I answered it instead of their question, so I better not. Picard.

Zenek: Will the remaining fighters be added to Shadows in smaller sets like “Kan-Ra, Riptor and Omen”, followed by “Aganos, Hisako, Cinder & ARIA”, or as a large update containing all of the Season 2 stragglers?

Kraig – We’ll do it in small chunks so that we can get them to you all as soon as possible. They’ll likely roll out in groups in the order they are in Character Select. So Kan-Ra and Riptor are in the front of the line.

PoweeWesley60: Do you think that a “Goddess Character” could fit Killer Instinct?? We need more female characters
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Kraig – We definitely do. It comes up a lot when I talk to the team.

Whitetiger – So why was Maya chosen to be in Season 2 of the KI2 newcomers?

Kraig – When we first started Season 2, I think we wanted more female characters and Microsoft had some solid ideas about what they wanted to see from her. Our combat team also had the idea of daggers, and it just came together very quickly.

Sabrewulf 407 – -Is there anything else pertaining to story mode you guys would like to convey before it launches?

Kraig – Sure. Since this Story focuses on Goals, not endings, you can actually unlock multiple Mural pieces at once, which is nice. Also you get Character AND Player XP for the bonus now, not just Player XP like in S1

BrrDub – Would you have consider doing a Marvel and make someone like say Tusk a woman?

Kraig – Although we want more female characters, that isn’t a design decision I’d feel comfortable with at this point, no.

VaultOverseer – Is there any chance we could get a “Fight the Devs Day”

Kraig – Great idea. I bet there is. Gotta think about that one.

Bcole23 – 2. What types of software, analyses, and heuristics do you use to identify lag switchers? What are the plans for continued ban-hammering after the main development is completed?

Kraig – His name is James Goddard at MS (@djamesgoddard), and he wields a big stick. Sorta like the Terminator of Ranked League policing. We have lots of monitoring tools that I won’t talk about, but the greatest weapon we have is the community. They ‘ve helped us tremendously.

CrazyLCD – Were the holiday accessories a one-off or are there plans to do more like those soon in-between season?

Kraig – MS and IG would like to do more for sure. Nothing planned yet.

MrTacoBelmon – It seems like some of the textures have been downgraded bit

Kraig – That has not happened at all.

Cinder – Are there any ideas in the Future Characters thread that really stand out to you guys at IG?

Kraig – Yes.


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

12 thoughts on “Killer Instinct Textual Stream Q&A Session 06/12/15”
  1. Na E3 ,acho que será falado mais sobre a 2 temporada …mais seria genial eles deixar uma ponta pra uma 3 temporada

  2. Espero jm modo historia digno ou igual ao do mk x.
    Queria que tira se as finlizacoes shadows que alguns personagens da primeir temporada tem .

          1. Oh yes, I knew about that already but thanks for the heads-up anyway still 🙂

    1. @Adan Cody

      Most likely last Friday or Calendar day of the month. That’s how is usually goes.


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