On October 15th, Season Two of Killer Instinct will launch with two new fighters: TJ Combo and the recently announced return of Maya. An additional six characters will join them, with one new character releasing every month as well as an all new interface for the game.

In a similar fashion to Season One, there will be two editions of the game available: the $19.99 Combo Breaker Edition that includes all eight Season Two characters, and the $39.99 Season Two Ultra Edition, which features all eight characters, classic costumes and accessories, and a classic download of Killer Instinct 2! If you don’t want either edition, you can also continue to purchase any character individually for $4.99.

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Source: Shack News


By Daniel Durock

Founder/Writer For Killer Instinct Central. SAG-AFTRA Actor Since 2017! Twitter: @danieldurock

18 thoughts on “Killer Instinct Season Two Launches On October 15th”
  1. I want to see the new UI. If you look close you can see the different fonts across the builds.

    1. nop..you will get the season 2 characters with all thew new features they will change at launch

  2. Sooooo I already have the ultra edition of season one…. do I need to buy season two now too? Or will it just add the new season two content to my ultra edition?

  3. Pretty excited for this but by the time this comes out I’ll be balls deep in Destiny -_- they’ve been teasing all this for sooooo much longer than they should have. I would’ve rather been kept in the dark then get a ton of information then be told I have to wait another two months.

    1. The game is actually 20$ for season 1, you made the choice to pay more to got extra stuffs. Now they will release as much content and even more features than season1, so of course you gotta pay another 20$ if you want the 8 news characters, or 40$ for the Ultra edition

  4. Still have to buy the game itself (and an Xbox for that matter) but then it’s Ultra Edition all the way!


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